If long term nursing home care has you preparing for CT Title XIX, the application process is difficult. What are Title 19 requirements in Connecticut? Are you confused about how to apply for assistance? When you are seeking affordable long term care in Connecticut, what you don't know may keep you or your loved one from getting benefits. At CT Medicaid Specialists, we meet many people who are not prepared for the financial b
Let's talk about CT Title XIX and nursing care. Are you trying to qualify for CT Medicaid for Nursing Care? We are CT Medicaid Specialists, and we help our clients understand the terms of the Medicaid application process. When it comes to long term care, what you don't know may keep you from getting the benefits you need. At CT Medicaid Specialists, we meet many people who are not prepared for the financial burden associated with custodial and skilled nursing care. When you need help applyin
Couples who must make the difficult decision to apply for CT Title 19 are often overwhelmed with paperwork and regulations. When dementia makes it necessary to select a nursing home for your beloved spouse, you will be shocked at the expense. It may take months to wade through the piles of paperwork to qualify you for Medicaid. What is the first thing you need to know? CT Medicaid Specialists suggests you call our office for a