Preparation for later life is always a challenging task which implies many choices connected with health care, living conditions, financial issues, and legal resolution. It is very important that you or a family member understands the resources and plans that are there in Windsor, CT to keep the person comfortable and safe in the future. Here, you will find a lot of helpful information on senior planning in Windsor, CT, to make your decision-making process as smoot

Medicare, Medicaid and Nursing Care

In Connecticut when you are going to need long-term nursing care, CT Medicaid or Title-19 can ease the financial burden. There are two distinct types of nursing care solutions available for seniors today: Skilled Nursing Care and Nursing Home Care. With skilled nursing care, Medicare certifies that nursing facilities meet certain qualifications and must have the staff necessary to provide patients with the c

What is the difference between Skilled Nursing Care vs Nursing Home Care? There may be some confusion between the two terms, as they describe very different levels of care.  A skilled nursing facility provides various services by Medical Doctors, Registered Nurses, Physical Therapists, Speech Therapists and other professional medical personnel. Patients are usually sent to a skilled nursing facility after a hospital stay because they need medical attention in the early stages of recovery.  The

Medicaid Application Assistance

Wondering you to afford nursing home care in CT? The median daily rate for a semi-private room in a CT nursing home is $400 ($146,000 for an entire year).  When you are seeking affordable long term care in Connecticut, what you don't know may keep you or your loved one from getting the benefits you need and deserve.  At CT Medicaid Specialists, we meet many people who are not prepared for the financial burden associated with